尼康新旗艦全畫幅無反光鏡 Z9 的規格讀起來更像是一個願望清單,並承諾使其成為可用的最強大的混合成像平台之一。 Z9 配備 45.7MP FX 格式傳感器,搭配全新 EXPEED 7 處理器,可實現真正的無中斷 20fps RAW、超快的 120fps 11MP JPEG 以及高達 8K60p(2022 更新)的視頻捕捉。
Nauticam NA-Z9 體現了為尼康旗艦 DSLR 和無反光鏡相機生產專業外殼所累積的經驗,將它們融合在一起,創造出最直觀的水下成像平台。
兼容 Nikon F 和 Z 卡口
NA-Z9 使用 N120 接環(鏡頭罩)系統用於 Z 卡口全畫幅鏡頭。使用 F 卡口鏡頭時,FTZ 適配器位於外殼內部,可實現與 NA-D6 或 NA-D850 等 F 卡口 DSLR 系統相同的鏡頭罩配置。 F 和 Z 卡口外殼上方便的鏡頭釋放按鈕,無論平台如何,都可以輕鬆更換鏡頭,而無需將相機從外殼中取出;僅在安裝或卸下 FTZ 適配器時。
Essential control are placed within easy reach of the ergonomic handles and easy setup means more time in the water and less time working on your rig. Within easy reach of the ergonomic left handle are finger-actuated levers for the customizable 'Fn1' and 'Fn2' buttons as well as the AF-Mode button. A double thumb lever triggers the PLAYBACK and DISP buttons. On the right side is a double thumb lever for the AF-ON and REC control as well as recessed lever for ISO and a forward placed lever for the 'Fn1' button.
As a true hybrid shooting platform the NA-Z9 is just as comfortable being outfitted to capture video as stills. External monitors and recorders can easily be connected via the large M24 bulkhead which supports both HDMI 1.4 and HDMI 2.0 connections.
The NA-Z9 is built around the extensive N120 Port System that supports a wide range of F-Mount and Z-Mount lenses with a variety of acrylic and optical-glass port options. In addition to standard ports, Nauticam's premium professional water-contact optics deliver the highest possible underwater image quality. The WACP-2, when used with the Nikon Z 14-24mm lenses provides a stunning rectilinear 140º field-of-view and full zoom-through capability with an incredibly natural looking image when compared to a standard rectilinear lens and dome port combination.
尺 寸: 361mm(W) x 235mm(H) x 165mm(D)
重 量: 3.76kg
水中重量: +0.05kg (incl. camera & battery)
耐壓深度: 100m
鏡頭罩接環: Nauticam N120
NA-Z9 Housing with two handles and mount balls
90222 Spare main O-ring, O-ring remover and lubricant
2x Optical bulkhead caps
Panasonic CR-2032 Battery (for moisture alarm)
Set of Allen Keys
Manual instruction card
Padded housing bag and shoulder strap